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Your search for "*" yielded 126156 hits

Reproductive epidemiology

IDpreg - Pregnancy in intellectual disabilityPI: Anna AxmonResearch PortalIs there an association between in utero exposure to air pollutants and later development of ADHD and autism?PI: Ebba MalmqvistPublicationOutdoor and household air pollution-exposure and effects on pregnant women in AfricaPI: Ebba MalmqvistProject websitePFAS exposure through drinking water in RonnebyPI: Anna Rignell-HydbomP - 2025-02-09

Sustainable living environments

Densifying the cities without increased environmental health burden - is it attainable? PI: Ebba Malmqvist Project website EGRESS: Building egressibility in an aging society PI:Enrico Ronchi Contact person at Tornblad: Giedre Gefenaite HEAP - Health promoting environments for an aging population PI: Anna Axmon Project website LivE-COVID-19: How can living environments buffer the consequences of pr - 2025-02-09


PFAS exposure through drinking water in RonnebyPI: Karin EngströmProject blogg, in Swedish LUPOP drop-in During the pandemic, the LUPOP drop-in will be online Tuesdays at 10-12am. For more info, click here. NBIS National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) is a national distributed research infrastructure providing bioinformatics support to life science researchers in Sweden. NBIS provide - 2025-02-09

Faktorer associerade med assisterad befruktning

Vid enheten för Arbets- och miljömedicin, Lunds universitet, bedrivs forskning bla kring hur miljöfaktorer och levnadsvillkor påverkar hälsa och sjukdom. Vi avser att i en serie registerstudier undersöka hur hälsan ser ut hos de föräldrar vars barn kommit till via assisterad befruktning (tex provrörsbefruktning, IVF), både innan och efter eventuella behandlingar. Vi vill också studera hur ett ev p - 2025-02-09

Clinical epidemiology

AIR Lund - Artificially Intelligent use of Registers at Lund UniversityPI: Jonas BjörkProject websiteResearch PortalFaculty newsletter LUPOP drop-in During the pandemic, the LUPOP drop-in will be online Tuesdays at 10-12am. For more info, click here. NBIS National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) is a national distributed research infrastructure providing bioinformatics support to life - 2025-02-09

Previous events

2020February 14, 8.30-10Final seminar: Assessing environmental exposures (Ralf Rittner) - by invite only (contact ralf [dot] rittner [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se for more information)February 27, 9-10Methodological challenges in epidemiological research: Machine learning for dummies (Mattias Ohlsson) - registration required  LUPOP drop-in During the pandemic, the LUPOP drop-in will be online Tuesday - 2025-02-09

Register studies

AIR Lund - Artificially Intelligent use of Registers at Lund University PI: Jonas Björk Project website Research Portal Faculty newsletter HEAP - Health promoting environments for an aging population PI: Anna Axmon Project website IDcare - Health care utilization in primary and specialist care among people with intellectual disability PI: Magnus Sandberg Contact person at Tornblad: Anna Axmon Proj - 2025-02-09

Modernisering av bröstcancerscreening med big data

Forskningspersonsinformation Har Du deltagit i mammografiscreeningen eller undersökts med mammografi eller brösttomosyntes i Malmö mellan 2004 och 2020 eller deltagit i mammografiscreening i Lund, Helsingborg eller Kristianstad mellan 2013 och 2018? Vi planerar en studie som kommer att belysa flera aspekter av bröstcancerscreeningen som den ser ut idag och som den kan komma att se ut i framtiden g - 2025-02-09

Scania Public Health Cohort

The Scania Public Health Cohort was initiated in 1999/2000 as a collaborative effort between Lund University and Region Skåne. Follow-up assessements of the people in the original cohort have been done in 2005, 2010, and 2016. During these, more people have been added to the cohort.The present cohort was established in 1999/2000 (T1) and followed up in 2005 (T2) and 2010 (T3). At baseline, a posta - 2025-02-09

Endokardit i Skåne 2014-2017

Vid Verksamhetsområde infektionssjukdomar samt thoraxkirurgi på Skånes universitetssjukhus planeras en studie kring hjärtklaffsinfektioner (endokardit). Studien ska utreda hur vanligt endokardit är samt om det utvecklingsarbete som har skett inom området har förbättrat omhändertagandet av patienter med endokardit. I studien kommer journaluppgifter på patienter som vårdats för endokardit i Skåne un - 2025-02-09

Lund Population Day 2020

Healthy Ageing: Keynote abstract Lund Population Day 2020 will take place on September 24. It will be possible to attend either in person (Segerfalksalen, BMC, Lund) or online. Keynote lectureWhy study active ageing and how? Professor Taina Rantanen, University of Jyväskylä, FinlandAbstractActive ageing is one of the most widely used terms of positive gerontology, but there are varied ideas of wha - 2025-02-09


What people are saying about LUPOP Gerd Ahlström, Professor, Health promoting complex interventionsFor the past few years, we have been working on a large register based study regarding ageing with intellectual disability. Thanks to the possibility the Swedish registers provide to link national data, we have been able to investigate outcomes of which several were not studied previously, and in a v - 2025-02-09


The Medical Faculty at Lund University provides a range of compulsory (basic) and elective (advanced) PhD courses on statistics and epidemiology. Photo: Kennet Ruona LUPOP events Upcoming and previous seminars and workshops - 2025-02-09


If your project is carried out with Lund University or Region Skåne as accountable authority (forskningshuvudman) and you need to provide the opportunity for cohort members to opt-out of new studies, you can apply to the Ethical Review Authority to place the information on the LUPOP website. They consider all such applications on a case-to-case basis, and there is no guarantee that you will get th - 2025-02-09

Immunology and Infection Biology BIOR88

15 credits The aim of the course is that the student after completing the course should have acquired knowledge, skills and abilities regarding both pathogenic microorganisms and the immune system's function at the molecular and cellular level. The student shall also understand host-pathogen interactions and the infection processes from both a mechanistic and an evolutionary perspective. During th - 2025-02-09

Limnology and Marine Ecology - Concepts and Processes BIOR87

15 credits The course contains several components that focus on aquatic ecological and evolutionary theory.  Through a combination of lectures and experiments the students acquire knowledge of e.g. bacteria production, primary production, competition, predator-prey interactions, migration and distribution patterns in time and space and which consequences these processes have for the function of aq - 2025-02-09

Limnology and Marine Ecology - Organisms and Habitats BIOR86

15 credits The aim of the course is that the student should acquire an overall view on organisms and abiotic preconditions in aquatic systems from source to sea. The first part of the course includes the physical and chemical properties of water, species in the different organism groups and relationships in and between populations and their environment. Effects of human impact on aquatic ecosystem - 2025-02-09

Methods in Molecular Biology BIOR79

15 credits The course was offered for the last time autumn 2023 Course descriptionThe aim of the courseThe aim of the course is that the students should assimilate:a substantial theoretical basis to understand key experimental techniques used in modern molecular biology research;a practical experience in some of these methods, as well as skills to analyse and present experimental data both in oral - 2025-02-09

Microbiology BIOR18

15 credits Course description Why study microbiology? Although the study of microorganisms is an old and important discipline, it has gone through a rapid development in recent years that has transformed it into a highly dynamic field that influences most aspects of modern biology. New technology allows us to study important and fascinating questions regarding the microbial life and its importance - 2025-02-09

Microscopy – Bio-Imaging BIOS08

7,5 credits Course description There has been a dramatic development of microscopical methods for visualization of biological structures and physiological events. Microscopy has become an increasingly important tool in cell and molecular biology, as well as in many other areas of biology. This course gives an introduction to the use of microscopy-based methods in life science today. It is given fo - 2025-02-09